Thursday, May 1, 2014

Preconceived Notions.

The painting of a place I had never been.

"Paint what you know"... Or, paint what you would like to know - what you imagine to be true - the preconceived notions of a place or time.

This painting is part of an abstract series I have hanging in Blackbird Coffee in downtown Milledgeville. It is my idea of a rather specific city that I had never seen........ Until last Friday!

As it would turn out, Charleston is a lovely place. I only made it's acquaintance (I was there not even a full day) but it was enough of a meeting for me to decide I like it there. The cobblestoney streets, gardens upon gardens, NON-floridian-esqe waterfront (it's nothing personal, I'm just not that into Florida as a state), and its ubiquitous charm make the city something special.