Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Let's Be Thankful.

{An ongoing series in which I remind myself of many good things, and that gratitude is indeed a choice worth making.} 

So, friends, let's be thankful:

For Azaleas in the front yard reminding me that "earth tones" is a relative term.

For those particularly pleasant times when weather, snacks, drinks, and company are all top-notch and simultaneous. 
(As they were this sunny afternoon at Wicked Weed)

For a wedding in the mountains with a date who can really cut a rug (and doesn't get mad at me when my swing moves get outta control and I end up accidentally elbowing him in the face).

For an Easter weekend filled with sisters, grandparents, cousins, feasting, gardening, tennis, cul-de-sac games, ice cream, bonanza, and remembering the day when life proved to be more real than death, and our stories were made infinite through such a remarkable grace . 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Studio Updates & A Show.

{Ode to a new paintbrush, one upcoming show, and a handful of new paper works.} 

 One important bit of news is that I have found the cutest paintbrush in all the land, and it is mine, all mine. Fire engine red, wide-bristled, and rearing to hit the canvas. Indeed, m'friends, this is surely the dawn of an enduring companionship between painter and paintbrush in which new things of joy are created and shared.

- - -

And in other news, I shipped out a pile of paintings today for a show in Dallas, TX. If you find yourself in the area Thursday or Friday April 7-8, swing by and spend some time checking out the work.

Celebrate Art - Presented by Lindley Arthur Antiques & Interiors
Thursday, April 7th - 9am-5pm
Friday, April 8th - 9am-7pm

3612 Harvard Ave.
Dallas, TX 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Let's Be Thankful.

{An ongoing series in which I remind myself of many good things, and that gratitude is indeed a choice worth making.} 

So, friends, let's be thankful:

For rosemary spilling over onto the garden path.

For towels that look like the 70s.

For Sunday afternoon bike rides through the neighborhood, and helmet I bought at REI last week for $13.

For texts from a beaming dad showing off his latest and proudest catch.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Springtime in the Studio.

The air feels lighter, the sunlight brighter, and the paintings are starting to look like places I'd like to be. 

Current playlist:

The Fear - Ben Howard
Take up Your Spade - Sara Watkins
You and Me - Sara Watkins
The Age of Worry - John Mayer
Pine Away - Martin Sexton
Ophelia - The Lumineers
Promise - Ben Howard
Brothers - Penny and Sparrow

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Let's Be Thankful.

{An ongoing series in which I remind myself of many good things, and that gratitude is indeed a choice worth making.} 

So, friends, let's be thankful:

 Cherry blossoms that aren't certainly on our side of the property line, but aren't certainly on the neighbors' side either.

Warmer days, and afternoon light in the living room.

A weekend in the mountains at Sharptop Cove with these dear friends (and being the token blonde).

Fireplaces that remind you you're in the mountains with dear friends.

FORSYTHIA & CHERRY BLOSSOMS & MAGNOLIA LEAVES, because these things swell and calm and ignite and please my soul.

 Time in the studio, and reminders of just how fortunate I am to do this as a job.

A night with family (human and canine) on the patio, no jackets needed, dinner on the grill.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Breckenridge & Denver

{Because grown-ups need spring break, too.}

We're young, like to ski, love each other and adventures, and needed no other reason than those to plan a ski trip over a long weekend to Breckenridge, CO. 
Two hotels, liters upon liters of water, four sets of matching purple ski pants, several PB&B sandwiches, a few elk burgers, a whole lot of sore muscles, and one torn ACL later (bless you, Gaines), we completed our grown up spring break with full and happy hearts.

Six girls, one Dodge Durango, and a whole lot of Jason Derulo.

Who doesn't love a room with a view?

Indeed, Narnia.

Not pictured: One minute later when I gracefully ate it and vowed to henceforth avoid moguls for the rest of my days.

Snow and twinkling lampposts are a recipe for something magical.

My dear friend Jessica drove over from Golden for a few hours. Getting to play and ride with her on God's playground (as she accurately referred to the mountain) was good for my soul.

Just some kids who love to ski with our gender-identifying pigtail braids (because honestly it can be hard to tell sometimes under all those puffy clothes...)

Here's to traveling light, making the fun times happen, and seeking out the beautiful things.